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Content Marketing

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Joining the conversation happening all around you

Once we have designed and developed your website it’s time to create the content that goes within. Content marketing is an ongoing conversation that is happening everywhere, all the time. Whether its collectors talking about trading trinkets, or complaining about knock-off knick-knacks, or debates about the technical trade-offs of tchotchkes from Taiwan, and we can inject you, and your business, into the conversation.

Content marketing is as old as the written language. Think of your grandmother’s boxes of baking soda with recipes on the back. Being a part of the conversation gives the customer information about your product or service while building a sense of familiarity. Social Media has made content marketing more important and more powerful than ever. With blogs, e-newsletters, Facebook pages, Twitter handles, YouTube subscriptions and much, much more we can tell the story of your business to tens of millions of potential new customers every day. Content marketing is at work for you in your digital storefront whether you’re an old hat in the industry or just starting out.

Social Media:

Do you Tweet? Facebook? Pin? Do you have no idea how to do any of this? Social media is an ever evolving medium that morphs beneath your feet just as you are mastering the last set of changes. Trying to keep up with all of the new advances and a whole world of possibilities available with social media to market your business can be a full time job. With billions of potential customers out there, it’s not the kind of thing you want to pawn off on your intern and forget about.

By the Numbers

  • There are 1.7 billion active Facebook users and they are adding 500,000 new users every single day.
  • 8 billion videos are viewed every day on Facebook and there are 40 million small business pages to be shared there.
  • One million website links are shared among Facebook users every 20 minutes.
  • There are 310 million active Twitter users every month and they send out an average of 6,000 Tweets every second.
  • The average Twitter user follows 5 or more businesses and 74% of them follow to get updates on future products.
  • 1.9 billion active social media users use mobile devices for their daily viewing.


Blogs, articles, and e-newsletters are among the most effective marketing tools available to your business. It allows you to participate in the conversation surrounding your industry while presenting yourself and your business as knowledgeable leaders in that conversation. It is also a chance to show the human side of your company. A chance to let the personality of you and your staff shine through for clients to see. We all want to work with smart and fun people and blog posts and articles are a great way to show that side of your business.

Well written and informative blogs also help your customers. Well-crafted articles give them new tools and understandings they need to help to make informed decisions. Blogs also allow you customers to see you as an expert and increases the likelihood they will come back the next time they are looking for information.

Don’t just join the conversation. Lead the conversation.
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"Good social media is authentic. What makes social media work is actually having something to say."
- Steven Levitt

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